Video Travel Maps

31 December 2022

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The 2022 travel map shows that most of my travels focused on Europe and then, after autumn at the university, heading for Chile and Brazil. The app does not yet track river cruises so, in the absence of the actual Danube-Main-Rhine route, I inserted a few key stops along the way.
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In 2021 — with my early vaccinations and naΓ―ve view that Moderna made me Superman — I was thrilled to end Covid hibernation so I started traveling right away but, as the video shows, very incrementally with more roundtrips from DC.
  • First, venturing to Tucson and restriction-free Mexico.
  • Feeling braver, I went to Cartagena in restriction-free Colombia.
  • Next I finally went to Sharm El-Sheikh since Egypt's doors were open.

    Then I tackled my last three unvisited countries. Maybe I subconsciously thought that Moderna would protect me from the raging civil wars too, but I was tired of postponing my goal of visiting all countries in the world.

  • So via Dubai, I went to Yemen and South Sudan.
  • I soon gambled on the war-torn Central African Republic — my final country!

  • On impulse, I flew to Iceland to see the spectacular Fagradalsfjall volcano.
  • Looking around for other open countries, Brazil was on the list — and not doomed to disaster as US media claimed.
  • The year ended with a surprise invitation to the American University of Cairo
  • followed by a few weeks at my favorite health resort in Thailand.

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My 2019-20 video reflects, among other things, my trips to that Phuket health resort, a terrible cruise in French Polynesia, a return to the Galapagos, and cruises on the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers before Covid-19 shut everything down.
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This 2018 recap is aesthetically my favorite map video so far: Starts with a great trip to Pakistan, then later tracks my Star Alliance Around-the-World journey across Italy, the eastern Atlantic, France, Sri Lanka, India, and Myanmar, then concludes with a South Atlantic cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula.
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